The Kalos Project

Empowering Communities through Local Food Systems.

We help people grow food instead of grass.

At the Kalos Project, we help homeowners, land owners, and business owners in Montgomery County and surrounding areas establish highly abundant and low maintenance food production systems (aka edible landscapes) on their property. 

Why we do it:

Our food system has become separate from nature,

and the result is a commercial enterprise that destroys the health of our people and planet.

The population is sicker than ever before, we're rapidly losing farmable soil,

and the money we spend on food exits our communities to fill the bank accounts of large, centralized food companies.

The massive supply chains that are responsible for transporting food are far more fragile than most people realize.

Events like natural disasters, pandemics, political instability, and war could all cause disruptions in supply chains that could prevent communities from getting the food that they need.

This is why we're working to build a Decentralized, Parallel Food Economy

Founded upon the principles of permaculture, The Kalos Project’s vision is to create a global network of decentralized, sustainable, and regenerative local food economies that uplift and empower both the producer and consumer.

It's a big goal, and it begins at the local level.

Partnered with the permaculture experts at Food Forest Abundance, we help people and communities grow their own food through the design and installation of beautiful, low maintenance, and regenerative permaculture landscapes.

So, how can you help support this cause?

We need your help to get the word out about our mission to support and strengthen local food economies. 

If you know of any upcoming local events in the Montgomery County area, our team would love to come present, whether it be for 5 minutes or an hour.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us using the contact form below with any questions or input that you may have. To make the kind of change we’re looking to make, it’ll require a collective effort.